Applications of air pressure

Concept Explanation

Applications of air pressure

Applications of Air Pressure: In our day to day life we come across various applications of Air Pressure.

Drinking straw: When a drink is sucked with the help of a straw the air inside the straw goes into our lungs and thus air pressure in the straw decreases. The atmospheric pressure acting on the free surface of the liquid pushes the liquid into the straw and then into our mouth.

Fountain pen: Ink can be filled in a fountain pen with the help of atmospheric pressure. When the tube of the pen is squeezed the air in it rushes out so that the pressure in the tube decreases. The air pressure outside the tube pushes the ink to the pen.

Air pressure on us :Though air exerts large pressure on us but we do not feel that pressure. It is because of our blood contains dissolved oxygen at a higher pressure than the air pressure . So the air pressure is counter-balanced.

The nose starts bleeding at higher altitudes. Actually the air pressure falls at higher altitudes. This creates a difference between the internal pressure of the body and the external air pressure. As a result the fine capillaries inside the nose burst, and hence the nose starts bleeding.

Weather forecasting is done on the basis of variation in the air pressure as follows:

  • The increase in temperature of the air results in expansion of air and a fall in pressure. The fall in pressure without any increase in moisture results in dust-storm.
  •  If the falling pressure is accompanied by rise in moisture, it indicates rain.
  •  If the air pressure remains normal, then it signifies fair weather.
  •  A gradual rise in air pressure means a dry weather is predicated.
  • Sample Questions
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